Monday, March 19, 2007

Scribe 3-16

Here's what we did in class on Friday the 16th:

  • Smith reminded us about the summary-response paper, due next Friday (the 23rd)
  • The paper should be 1.5 to 2 pages maximum, double spaced
  • The first paragraph is only a summary of The Importance of Being Earnest, the second paragraph comapres TIoBE to The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Bring an outline and thesis to class on Monday
  • Rememeber to pick up a copy of Brave New World, and try to read it over break
  • We continued to watch The Importance of Being Earnest.
  • The two women in the movie, Gwendolen and Cecily, both love the name Earnest
  • Jack and Algy revealed that neither one of them is in fact named Earnest
  • Jack and Algy want to be christened Earnest by the priest
  • Jack is revealed to be Lady Bracknell's son
  • The marraiges of Jack and Gwendolen, and Algy and Cecily look like they could happen

That's all for now! Have a good weekend. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


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